#MomLife — Age 0-2 yrs / Baby

"There is no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a great one."

Off the Bottle: Switching to Straw Cups

At our son’s one-year check-up the pediatrician said it was time to make the switch from bottles to sippy or straw cups. I knew this transition was coming and prepared by collecting various cups to have on hand so that we could make the switch around his birthday. How hard could it be? 

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Babies Like It Bold

High-contrast books and other baby items may seem uninteresting to adults, but not to a newborn. And there’s a reason for this. Studies show that newborns prefer to look at high-contrast black and white images because their eyes aren’t very well developed yet. But there are lots of other benefits for babies behind these simple pictures. 

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Why Didn’t I Think of That? 8 Simple Baby Tips for New Parents

There are some things you can only learn from other parents – moms or dads who have been there, done that. One of tiny pieces of advice for parents? Look for sleep sacks that stay zippered (i.e. one that never unlatches) and have a two-way zipper. The last thing you want is to be struggling with the zipper and latch when your baby is exhausted, crying, or rolling over. Read more super simple baby tips.

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