#MomLife — Lifestyle

"There is no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a great one."

What is Bicycle Pie?

Many people have asked me this since our launch a few months ago. This isn’t my first go-around starting and running a small business. I started a children’s boutique in Boston years ago. But when I developed the concept for Bicycle Pie, I’ll admit, it was self-serving.


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Tips for Decluttering Kids Stuff

This time of year, I (along with everyone else) try to set new goals. But in the interest of full disclosure, they rarely last more than a few weeks. Maybe it’s because as my four little ones grow, our house seems to get smaller and smaller, but this year I’m determined to declutter and better organize the kids’ things. I’ve been reading tips and tricks on the topic and ultimately decided on five tasks that seem realistic and doable to help bring order and tidiness back to my home in the New Year.

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A Year of Firsts

There were a host of reasons for selling my Boston retail shop. I loved everything about that little boutique, but managing a business and trying to keep a growing family unruffled was an impossible balancing act for me. After our move, I made a promise to myself that, for at least one year, I would not think about a next endeavor. I would focus on only my family’s needs in the present.

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The Emotions of Selling A Business

Selling a business that you started and that you put everything you had into to get it to the point where it was successful, productive, and can thrive without you; it’s the ultimate goal for any entrepreneur. So why is it so hard when that time actually comes?

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Road Tripping with Baby? Don't Leave Home Without These

Times have changed and we do not know when our world will right itself and return to the normal we once knew. I don’t know about your family, but barring an emergency, I can’t see getting on a plane with my baby any time soon. So, for now, the road trip is back.

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Reducing Waste: 5 Simple Ways When You’ve Got Kids

As a mom of 4, most of the time the waste we produce is the last thing on my mind, but I recently read that the average 8- to 12-year-old kid throws away nearly 67 pounds of lunch trash every year. Yikes! And when we moved homes last year, I cleaned like crazy for the open house and unearthed more tiny knick-knacks in the kids’ rooms than I care to think about. Life is complicated enough, but what uncomplicated changes can I make to reduce all of this unnecessary waste? 

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